Dr. T, Lone Star Vet

  • Eight-part Series Premieres Sunday, October 13 at 9/8c

    Dr. Lauren Thielen is heading home to Texas, where her love for animals began, to lead her own exotic animal clinic at one of the state's largest animal hospitals! In her new series, “DR. T, LONE STAR VET,” we’ll follow Dr. T as she takes the reins on some of the most challenging and compelling cases of her career, caring for everything from emus to hedgehogs, and whatever else comes through the door. With the support of the hospital’s 24/7 emergency vet team, Dr. T will deliver dramatic and heartwarming stories of animals in need, all with her Texas-sized dose of charm we’ve all come to love. Join Dr. T on her journey to create her own legacy as she follows her dreams.

  • Category :  New Series
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